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Title thai temple lit up candles in shape of buddhist monk to support people during covid19 date 24th july 21 summary pathum thani province, thailand (july 24, 21) (reuters) (mute) drone footage showing lit candles in shape of buddhist monk surrounding pagoda (mute) drone footage with message reading (english) asalha puja day (mute) drone footage showing monks lightingThe park will utilise the land before the replacement for Dusit Zoo is completed in 27, Thailand Infrastructure said The Cabinet last month approved a budget of Bt11 billion for construction of a new zoo on the royally granted plot in Pathum Thani The budget will be spent from fiscal years 23 to 27Screens show devotees gathering via Zoom application during a ceremony to commemorate Makha Bucha Day at the Wat Phra Dhammakaya temple, following the spread of COVID19, in Pathum Thani province

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